Planet Clicker


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Planet Clicker
Planet Clicker Game

Planet Clicker

In the middle of the cold infinite galaxy, you are offered to set up an efficient manufacture. Only with the power of your clicks and strategic building, you can master the challenge of Planet Clicker game and achieve world domination!

There is no need in constructing or extracting the resources manually, just establish the process and watch your score grow!

How to Play Planet Clicker

Planet Clicker presents a relaxing, but at the same time demanding system that requires your attention. In this game you keep track of your production all the time, deciding which improvement to purchase next. As you begin your long and riveting journey from the familiar Earth terrains, the game suggests easily applicable options:

  • Campfire
  • Farm
  • Animal Farm
  • Windmill
  • Factory

Each aspect can be purchased multiple times, which means you can evolve in Planet Clicker with different sets of upgrades and still arrive at an impressive amount of energy.

Eventually, you will get to the point where all the globe is full of your energy-releasing constructions and that is the moment when you need to move on to new game terrains.

Venture Further

Your adventure in Planet Clicker doesn’t end on the Earth conquest, as other celestial bodies are available, too! Once you acquire your first million, you may obtain Mars with its sandy lands for you to utilise.

Obviously, you won’t be able to generate prosperous farms under such conditions, so the game prepared other, unique boosts for each planet.

New sources of energy will also require more currency, so prepare to expand the amount of fabrication and learn to manage bigger finances.

The further you get in your Planet Clicker pursuit, the more you will need to spend to acquire up-to-date equipment and maintain your business on an acceptable level.

Monitor Your Stats

For the ones who value the statistics, Planet Clicker also has a separate folder, where all your characteristics are lined up. At any moment of the game, you can take a look at several indicators, including:

  • Time Played
  • Total Energy
  • Energy Spent
  • Clicks

Figure out the most profitable approach to improving each of Planet Clicker stats while roaming around the options that the game includes.

Develop the tactic that works best for you and take pleasure in the rewarding experience that this game presents to any player who wishes to achieve outstanding results while contemplating distant globes. chessle continues the excitement with familiar gameplay.


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