All the high arts connoisseurs, unite to the vast community of Artle! This puzzle game is specifically designed to feature the most curious and outstanding art pieces you probably know.
Reveal your cognition and travel across the assortment of Artle, acknowledging every single artist mentioned.
Artle is an extremely flamboyant game, where all genres of art are presented, from classical Renaissance paintings to high-tech pieces. Each day brings another masterpiece to your playground, so try to learn new info in between the rounds to be ready for the next session.
These are the only rules Artle implies, so you may always browse the Internet if you are not completely sure about your assumption and want to improve your stats. At the beginning, the game gives you the information about the current location of the piece, so you may use that as a reference point.
Artle is an incredibly diverse game, which features the pictures of all styles, periods and topics, which can serve both as a hint and as a major difficulty for you, depending on your knowledge.
Each attempt will give you access to another work of the featured artist, enabling you to guess them.
Remember to look at the details of the artwork attentively! Sometimes the answer is on the surface, revealed by a miniature sign of the author or a distinctive figure that will immediately tell you what you need.
Regardless of the result of your today’s pursuit, the game still encourages you to keep on trying, giving you an access to the previous puzzles. This way you can prepare better for the tomorrow session and demonstrate precise talents and exceptional education. If the earlier games caught your interest, Gamedle will too.
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