Examine the globe in quite an unusual manner in Countryle! In this game your geographical expertise will be exposed to a tough test.
Determine which region Countryle has prepared for you today and learn more about various spots on our planet.
Unlike the most projects of this genre, Countryle doesn’t limit your tries. However, the game encourages you to utilise as few chances as possible. Deep knowledge of the countries’ geographical aspects and economy will help you with this task a lot. Choose from two modes of the title:
Select the preferred version of Countryle in line with your abilities, experience and knowledge, and don’t forget to have fun!
For the beginners, it will be better to stick to the Classic regime at first, so that you get acquainted with the basic mechanics of the game. Proceed to the Creative one only when you are ready to expand your horizons significantly.
The charm of Countryle lies in the fact that you are able to discover multiple interesting details about the world each time you start another round. Find out how many people live in each of them, what is the average temperature there during the year and other curious matters.
The game also encourages you to proceed with another stunning detail. Each time you successfully accomplish the quest, the place you discovered is marked on the world map. Colour it fully, guessing one country after another one and fulfilling your education with a bunch of useful and entertaining information. Diffle continues the fun with a similar gaming vibe.
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