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Genshindle Game


Delve into your favourite game even more, traversing the terrains of Genshindle! Here you can browse through the list of all the characters that have ever appeared in the original game.

Your objective is to determine which of them is the hero of the day and utilise the minimum number of attempts on it.

Navigate in the Fantastic Realm

Genshindle offers you an intricate challenge, as the project contains hundreds of playable characters. Check if you are a true fan of the franchise or you need to practise some more. Leading you to the answer, Genshindle shows several characteristics that differentiate the heroes:

  • Name: To facilitate the choice, you can just choose from the options that the game suggests. Or you may also type it down manually.
  • Talent: This stat indicated special abilities that the hero possesses. All of them are depicted by different icons, making it easier for you to distinguish between them.
  • Determine where you can meet this character in the initial game or to what party they belong.
  • Vision: This characteristic will help you to figure out what category the talents of the mystery warrior suit the most.
  • Weapon: If you are familiar with the classes well, you may use this stat to find out the correct variant quickly.
  • Version: Some of the heroes came to the game later than the other ones and it also influences the puzzle, helping you to pick up the right options.

Navigate through the universe of Genshindle operating these aspects and arrive at the correct conclusion, choosing the needed personage from the extensive catalogue of warriors.

The Riddle Never Repeats!

Genshindle doesn’t require you to memorise what warrior was concealed yesterday, as it is always shown right above the characteristics. Note that one fighter cannot be hidden two times in a row! For fans of similar games, Adoptle is a great addition.


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