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Tridle Game


Elevate your riddle-solving experience with Tridle! If you admire a classic Wordle game, you will be thrilled to check out this new variation of it.

Instead of one word, the game offers you to fill in three at the same time! Having multiple fields, think three times more intensely and come up with all the solutions, until all the attempts are spent.

Gameplay Tridle

In case you are not a beginner, you already know all the rules of the game, but if you face such puzzle for the first time, these are the most important statements you can rely on during the round:

  • If the letter is placed correctly, it will be green
  • In case the location is wrong, the tile will be yellow
  • Black excludes the option at all

However, Tridle gives you clues to all the sequences simultaneously, so you also need to pay attention to the location of the colour.

Instead of focusing on only one grid, consider the hints for each of them, filling them up evenly. Don’t be in a hurry and pay equal attention to all the combinations, as you don’t have the luxury of wasting the tries!

Watch Your Rate

Monitor your success with the help of the statistic that Tridle keeps available to you at any time. Increase your win rate with every game played and become a true professional, developing multi-tasking and enjoying the process of untangling engrossing brain-teasers. The game presents a thorough analysis of your actions, so you have a good opportunity to increase your skills.

Evaluate Your Success

Tridle is not only about your personal achievements, but also about sharing your results with the others! The game offers a very convenient way of letting your buddies know you are a top-tier erudite. Choose an exceptionally good round and send the outcomes to your acquaintances to encourage them to join you in this enthralling test of intelligence. Enjoy the thrill of planet clicker, a game worth checking out.


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