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Wordle Game


Receive a classic background and start your journey in the realm of intellectual puzzles with Wordle!

This game is an ultimate test both to your thesaurus and intuition, as you need to think about a random letter combination with minimum mistakes.

Every Day Brings New Riddles!

Each day in Wordle is celebrated with a new portion of brain teasers, so be ready to search your glossary, looking for extraordinary words.

Thousands of topics, millions of sequences and a random set every day to test all the areas of your knowledge. However, the game presents useful tips for you to guess faster:

  • Green blocks show you that everything is alright
  • Yellow ones propose switching the position
  • Grey tiles have letters that are not presented at all

Keep these rules in mind while delving deeper into the task and revealing new variants. Sometimes alternatives can come to your mind absolutely unexpectedly, so better wait for a sudden insight then spend precious efforts for nothing.

Wordle is a superior attraction for everyone who can brag about their education, so hurry up and complete another Wordle trial!

Connect With Your Friends

Another special aspect of the game is that you are able to play it with your buddy in the most unusual way ever.

If you have had a genius insight and want to create a trial based on this word, just type it down into the bar and send it to your buddy, making them struggle over your invention. Accept the same present from your competitor and see who is the best!

Brag About Your Accomplishments

With time, you are going to become a true professional in the multiverse of Wordle, deciphering the most intricate sequences from the first try.

Watch your abilities advance with the help of the stats that are renewed each time you win or lose in the game, showing you a full picture of your efforts. Discover more fun with Thirdle, a game worth trying.


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